
Fiverr's Fall

Fiverr is a big name in the world of online jobs 💻, but I think it might have a big fall one day. Here’s a story to show you why.

I had a client who wasn’t happy because I didn’t give him a discount.

He even threatened to leave me two bad reviews if I didn’t do what he wanted.

Even though it seemed unfair, I tried to make him happy because I was worried about getting a bad review. 😆

When I asked Fiverr for help, they didn’t do much.

They said the bad review didn’t break any of their rules. It made me feel like they didn’t really care about me or other people who work on their site 😌.

Lots of people have had problems like mine. They talk about it online, saying how they wish Fiverr would listen more to the people who work there. A new person at Fiverr tried to ask questions and make things better, but it doesn’t feel like enough has changed.

I wish there was another company like Fiverr that treated people better.

It seems like a lot of people are waiting for something better to come along.

Fiverr needs to start listening and treating us fairly, or they might not stay on top forever. I’m going to change some settings so clients can’t just order from me without talking first. It’s a small step, but it’s something I can do to protect myself. 

It’s really about respect. We all want to be treated well and fairly, especially when we work hard. I hope things get better, but for now, I’m keeping my eyes open for a better place to work online.
